Stay Hydrated This Summer

So you’re visiting Uluru in the summer. Guess what?
It’s going to be hot, hot, hot!!!! Stay hydrated this summer.

Don’t let the heat stop you though, you can still get out and about and explore Central Australia safely. Part of being safe though is being hydrated and dehydration can be a killer.

So how can you stay hydrated? The first thing to be aware of is that it’s important to keep drinking water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Here are some tips and tricks about how to stay hydrated this summer.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water is a key way to help avoid heat-related illness. Even if you don’t feel thirsty it’s a good idea to keep sipping on water. Try to avoid alcoholic, sugary or hot drinks. These types of drinks can make dehydration worse.

Be Sensible

Did you know that each year the National Park Rangers respond to many incidents that are related to heat exhaustion and dehydration? These conditions can potentially be life threatening and can also occur very quickly. Remember that you’re in a remote location. You might not have phone reception to call for help and even if you do help might be far away. Be sure to refer to the UKTNP visitor guide and familiarise yourself with the locations of Emergency Radios.

Keep your body cool

Try to stay out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day. The National Park will close particular walking trails once the temperature becomes unsafe. You can confirm this information with the National Park or check with the reception of your hotel. Respect walking trails that are closed, they’re closed for your safety. Keeping your body cool can help you avoid heat-related illness. Drink cold liquids and when eating eat small, cold meals, like a salad and fruit. It’s also a good idea to wear light coloured and loose fitting clothing. The best materials to keep cool in are made from natural fibres such as cotton. Another way to keep your body cool is by taking cool showers or even better jump in the pool.

Take care of each other

Keep an eye on your friends and family. If you see someone else that looks like they need help, offer assistance. Keep a close eye on the young and the elderly.

What are the symptoms of Dehydration?

There are many symptoms of Dehydration. Dizziness, tiredness, irritability, thirst, dark yellow urine, loss of appetite and fainting are all signs of dehydration.

What should you do if someone is dehydration?

Mild dehydration can be treated by sipping on more water.
It can help to move the effected person to somewhere cool (preferably air-conditioned). If possible it can help to cool someone down by spraying them with a mist of cool water.
If dehydration is severe contact a park ranger using an Emergency Communication Device and seek medical treatment immediately. 

Water bottle

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